Web Design & Development
Non-nerd Version
We design and build websites that are pleasing to look at and technically excellent. We take pride in our work and our clients do too.
Generally, we build our websites on the ExpressionEngine® CMS, which provides an easy-to-use control panel so our clients can easily edit and update their site’s content. Clients are usually astounded at how simple it is to maintain their sites when they get to use them for the first time. We like that.
We take great care to ensure our sites are coded up to the latest web standards, and that they are search engine friendly. We build them to be fast, accessible, and intuitive.
We adhere to our process when working on websites, which is transparent and has predictable milestones. We are responsive and love to exceed expectations.
Enough about us, let’s talk about you.
Nerd Version
We design sites in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Fireworks. Logos are always designed in vector format.
For front-end development, we love HTML 5 and CSS 3. We especially like building responsive sites, and using CSS frameworks like Zurb Foundation and Twitter Bootstrap. We are comfortable hand-coding our CSS, but generally like to use Grunt (which replaced our Ruby Guard workflow) with precompilers like SCSS/SASS, Compass, and LESS. We used to do a lot of work with ActionScript 3 in the good ol’ days (before Apple offed Flash), but develop most functionality in JavaScript these days. We primarily work with jQuery as our JavaScript library of choice, and often roll up our sleeves to build custom plugins.
As far as the back-end goes, we normally code in PHP. We are big fans of Laravel & CodeIgniter®, but are at home in plain ol’ vanilla PHP too.
We have a strong focus on performance optimization. We avidly check Google PageSpeed scores and cache excessively.
All things are version controlled and backed-up. Git is our Version Control System of choice.
Wanna talk more shop? Get in touch.