Home page. We wrote a custom JavaScript class for the client ‘conveyor belt’ endless marquee effect. We also wrote JavaScript to control the bottom right Winvale logo, and the ‘quick tabs’ that are fixed to the right side of the page.

Part of the Partners page. We wrote a custom EE plugin to dynamically resize and cache the images in this section and in various other places throughout the site.

Focus Area.

Blog listing page. Posts can be sorted by categories and searched.

Testimonials page. This section features a custom JavaScript YouTube player we integrated with the CMS.

Case Studies. This section uses deep linking to allow users to link to filtered results on the page.

Custom log-in form modal window. This form cuts out the multiple page round trip inherit to many Content Management systems. This form will also pop up in various parts of the site where content is restricted to registered members.

This is the helpful “Page Not Found” page. It provides the user with a site map and lists of fresh content.

The Contact page, featuring a Google map embed and a modal contact form popover.
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